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Medicare volunteer training

Three-part training

Training to become a SHIBA volunteer has three parts:

  1. Online trainings
  2. Internship
  3. Two-day in-person new volunteer training

Training modules: For new or experienced volunteers

Training modules can be used by new volunteers or by experienced volunteers for their annual recertification.

New volunteers start with the core trainings. Recertification can be done by revisiting the core training or taking the intermediate trainings. Check with your local office for other options for recertification.

Training steps

Once you are a SHIBA volunteer-in-training you will need to complete the following (in no particular order):

1. Online trainings

  • Follow the online training registration instructions to get access to the online modules.
  • Self-study the core (modules 1, 3, 9, 10, and 11), intermediate (5, 7, 13, and LTC) or advanced (2, 6, and 12) topic of Medicare through online modules.
  • Complete each module test with a score of at least 80 percent to pass. You will get two attempts to pass each module.

2. Internship

  • Complete at least 10 hours of internship under the guidance of a certified counselor.

3. Two-day new volunteer training

  • Attend a two-day, in-person new volunteer training. These trainings may be local or regional, to be attended at your earliest convenience. See the In-person volunteer training page for a list of upcoming trainings. They usually are held between March and September each year.

Once you complete the training steps, you are a certified SHIBA counselor. Your coordinator may request from the state office a certificate of completion, name badge, and business cards for your use.

You will work directly under a SHIBA coordinator and must attend periodic volunteer meetings to remain an active volunteer. Contact your coordinator with any questions about your training.


Contact your local coordinator or
Cassie McClellan